Michael Metcalfe

Head of Macro Strategy
State Street Global Markets

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Michael.

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Day 2

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

11:00 360° Perspective: Discretionary trading vs. automated trading- which strategy is best suited to your business?

As the industry moves towards an e-trading model, there has been an increased uptake in automated trading, but is this the best strategy for your business? This panel will provide
expertise on the pros and cons of each strategy, and has full representation from traders who use both trading strategies so are best placed to discuss the benefits of each. This is a must attend panel where you will find out:
  • What are the benefits of discretionary trading vs. automated trading methods?
  • What kind of investor is suited to the discretionary trade vs. automated trade?
  • In a market where pioneering technology is leading the way in transforming trading strategies, why is automated trading not more popular?
  • Which discretionary and automated strategies are best- factors to consider when making trade decisions
  • Will automated trading eventually replace most discretionary trading?

13:30 Why consuming thousands of Big Macs could be good for your currency investment process?

Michael and his team have spent more than a decade integrating measures of investor behaviour and more recently inflation into currency investment processes. Along with his colleagues at PriceStats, a company that scrapes millions of retail prices each day from the internet, his latest work focuses on the recurring question of FX valuation. Attend this case study to gain insight on:
  • How can ‘Big Data’ address the challenge of FX valuation
  • Does FX valuation only matter in the long-run?
  • Is anyone really winning the currency wars?
  • Is the USD already overvalued or is the overshoot only just beginning?