TradeTech FX USA 2015 (past event)
January 26 - 27, 2015
Contact Us: 1.888.482.6012
Patrick Fleur
Managing Director
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Patrick.
Download The Latest AgendaDay 1
Wednesday, February 1st, 2017
09:50 360° Perspective: European and US perspectives on recent market changes and impacts on FX
One of the biggest challenges facing any large organisation today is how to adapt to the new market structure, regulatory landscape and influx of new technologies. This market leading panel will give you a 360 degree perspective on how the industry is adapting their desks to respond to these trends. Attend this session to find out:
- How has the impact of regulation affected the various parties in the industry and how have they had to develop their trading operations?
- How are people deploying and obtaining resources in their firm to put the necessary systems and processes in place?
- Defining how the market structure has evolved over the last 12 months and how the buy and sell side have adapted their trading desks
- What technologies are key growth areas and essential to survive the new FX market?
- Have counterparts had enough education to be able to successfully operate in the new environment?
Day 2
Wednesday, March 1st, 2017
09:50 Cross Asset Panel: Equities vs. FX- What lessons can you learn from the equities evolution and transfer to your FX trading desk?
The FX industry is presently going through changes not too dissimilar from the equities asset class 5-10 years ago. Therefore there are some correlations between the two classes and transferable lessons to be learnt. This senior level panel brings together three experts who also have a strong background in equities who will share their tips on synergies to lookout for. Attend this panel to find out:
- Recognising the key differences between equities and FX- what can we learn from the equities evolution?
- Has the new regulatory landscape created the environment for a far reaching transformation towards an equities-like market structure for FX?
- Is an equities-like environment in which most trades are done on an agency basis and executed via exchange now within the realm of possibility?
- Technological innovation- what tools and lessons can you take to prosper in the new market?